Cub Scout Pack 244. Cary, North Carolina

A member of the Occonneechee Council of North Carolina

Pack 244 – Activities

At Pack 244, we’re always on the go! Below are some examples of activities that you can participate in with us.


As a pack, we have 4 campouts a year; one per season. Our Fall campout comes right after we begin our Cub Scout year and usually happens at one of our local state parks. It’s a great way to get to know others in the pack, to earn some belt loops and to enjoy some great Fall weather.

 Camping Equipment 101 guide

Our Winter campout is always the big event of the year. In past trips we’ve slept on the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown, camped near Washington, DC to explore our nation’s capital and slept with the fish at the North Carolina Aquarium. The Spring campout usually involves connecting with a special event and camping near that event. For example, we’ve camped with the Durham Bulls on scouting night  and camped near the Wings Over Wayne Airshow near Goldsboro, NC. While our official pack meetings take a break during the Summer, that doesn’t stop us from camping! We usually try to head towards the mountains to take advantage of the cooler weather. Participation is sometimes lighter on these as families take their vacations, but we still have a great time!

In addition to these pack-wide campouts, individual dens also occasionally have campouts. Our AOL den also participates in a campout in the fall with the Boy Scouts in Troop 244. This is part of the requirements for earning their Arrow of Light Award.

Hiking Club

Our hiking club is open to all Cub Scouts (and parents) in Pack 244. They’re always looking for new trails to explore. We’ve hike during all seasons, and usually try to have one outing per month. Past hikes have included Umstead Park, San Lee Park near Sanford and Eno River State Park in Durham. We also try to set up at least one hike during our pack camping outings. Cub Scouts can earn hiking sticks and other awards based on miles hiked, either as part of official hiking club outings or on hikes with their family.

Cub Scout Pack 244 meets at Peace PCA Church at 1777 W. Chatham Street in Cary, North Carolina Wednesday evenings at 7 PM.

The Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

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